The importance and practical possibilities of use of findings of the research carried out in oak stands on permanent sample plots established by Schwappach and Wiedemann – Małgorzata Dudzińska and Arkadiusz Bruchwald

Małgorzata Dudzińska and Arkadiusz Bruchwald. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2008, ISBN 973-83-87647-78-0, 100 pp. In Polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. Price 26 EUR.

Abstract. Dendrometric studies on permanent sample plots were initiated in Germany in the second half of the 19th century by Adam Schwappach (1851-1932) and continued by Eilharda Wiedemann (1891-1950) which led to the establishment of nearly 1,000 permanent experimental plots in 1945.

Some of permanent sample plots were located in the territory which, as a result of border changes after the World War II, became part of Poland. Currently, the measurements are continued by the Forest Research Institute in Warsaw (since 2006 in Sękocin Stary) on 66 plots located in the northern and western regions of Poland.

The analysis of measurement results on these plots enabled the construction of a growth model for pedunculate oak stands and its verification.

The growth model for oak stands is an integral component of the overall growth model processing data for different tree species, as well as for mixed and uneven-aged forests. Some algorithms of this model are already implemented in forestry practice in the methods of processing data obtained from forest inventory.

Key words: Schwappach, permanent Sample plots, oak, growth model

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