About EnviLink


The conference aims to activate and consolidate the community of young scientists in the field of enviromental research. The exchange of experiences between scientists from different countries, as well as different scientific disciplines such as forestry sciences, Earth and environmental sciences, can help in the future to create research teams with an interdisciplinary character. The target group consists of students and young scientists as defined by the Polish Act of July 20, 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science.

As part of the EnviLink conference, plenary sessions on general environmental topics delivered by international guests are planned. These sessions aim to present the experiences of young scientists in conducting research outside their home countries. There will also be general thematic sessions (FOREST, CITY, WATER, CLIMATE, TECHNOLOGY) which, although presenting research in various scientific disciplines, are closely related environmentally. A unifying element of the individual sessions will be the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the designated areas. In environmental research, GIS is used, among other things, for modeling the impact of climate change on ecosystems, assessing the condition of ecosystems, and in analyses of urban heat islands. Research using GIS is primarily conducted by interdisciplinary teams. Many developed models and tools are successfully applied in decision-making systems at various levels of government and local administration. Therefore, building a platform for exchanging experiences among scientists in this area can result in significant research and implementations in the relevant field.


Key elements of the conference will be discussion panels "Career development in science in Poland and abroad" and "Requirements of the private sector towards science". Conducting these panels will undoubtedly be an interesting exchange of experiences between representatives of the private sector (research and development centers) and scientists from various disciplines and countries. This may serve young scientists in the future to define and choose their own scientific path. The participation of representatives from research and development centers will also make the conference a platform that connects theorists and practitioners to develop a common space for action in their areas of interest in environmental research.

Project financed from funds of the Polish state budget granted by the Minister of Education and Science within the framework of the Programme Excellent Science II – Support of scientific conferences.

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