Department of Natural Forests


  • Expert opinions on the impact of air pollution emissions (industry, transport, agriculture, specific plants and companies) on the contamination of the natural environment (forest) with sulfur and nitrogen compounds and heavy metals. Assessment of the threat to the forest environment with bioindication methods (in a specific area, transplantation or bioindicator exposure).
  • Participation in environmental education of young people and in all trainings on the so-called civilization threats, including the impact of abiotic and anthropogenic threats on the forest environment.
  • Consulting and / or training (Dr. Rafał Paluch) in the field of:
    • ways of economic use of under-canopy oak regeneration for reconstruction of pine stands,
    • rationalization of breeding activities through the use of natural processes taking place in stands,
    • assessment of the legitimacy of applications for cutting down trees on non-forest land,
    • various methods of oak restoration and their importance in reducing the dieback of oak stands,
    • counteracting the phenomena of common ash dieback by means of silviculture.
  • Expertises, trainings, opinions, consulting in the field of:
    • nature protection, with particular emphasis on saproxylic organisms,
    • marking (identification) of insects,
    • recognition, inventory methods and methods of protection of saproxylic invertebrates from Annex IV of the Habitats Directive during the implementation of economic activities in the State Forests,
    • the role of dead wood in forest ecosystems.
  • Development of protection tasks and protection plans for nature reserves and other protected areas.
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