Procesy syndynamiczne w zbiorowiskach leśnych wywołane odwodnieniem siedlisk

Syndynamic processes in forest communities as a result of habitats' drainage


  • J. K. Kurowski Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska, Instytut Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, Katedra Geobotaniki i Ekologii Roślin, ul. Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź, e-mail:


The paper presents study on transformations of boggy forest ecosystems Ribeso nigri-Alnetum Sol.-Górn.(1975)1987 and Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum Kleist. 1929 as a result of water drainage. The study area is located in the vicinity of Bełchatów brown coal open pit and it has being influenced by water drainage since 1975. The most common symptom of the forest community degeneration in the drained habitats is xerophytisation, i.e. the replacement of hygrophilous plant species by mesophilous or even xerophilous ones. Xerophytisation of hygrophilous communities results directly in their regression. The following process – a secondary succession – creates secondary vicarious communities, which have a mesophilous character. The alder swamp forest undergoes transformation to the oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum and the boggy pine forest converts to the mixed forest Querco roboris-Pinetum.

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