Perspektywy wykorzystania zasobów grzybów leśnych na obszarach skażonych radionuklidami

Prospects concerning use of forest mushroom resources in areas contaminated by radionuclide



Monitoring of 137Cs content in mushrooms was carried out in the years 2006-2008 in Belarus in the territory of fifteen Forest Districts in the Homel Region on control plots with surface contamination by 137Cs at a level of 10 Ci/km2. It was pointed out that even in the area with contamination below 1 Ci/km2, the 137Cs content in mushrooms often exceeded the admissible level.
The mushrooms heavily absorbing radionuclides (bay boletus, yellow boletus) should not be collected in contaminated areas, while the collection of mushrooms with moderate or slight contamination must be subject to control.

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