The role of licensing of forest service enterprises in the vocational activation of the population in rural areas


  • Janusz M. Sowa Agricultural University, Department of Forest and Wood Utilization
    Al. 29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Cracow, Poland
    tel. 4812 662508


According to statistical data, today forest services in Poland are performed by over 4,7 thousand private transactors. As a result of the complex process of privatization of the service sector in forestry, after 17 years of its implementation, private enterprises have almost entirely taken over various forest management tasks in the State Forests. The present study is an attempt at showing the influence of licensing procedures concerning the quality of forest services, performed by the Forest Entrepreneur Association, on the vocational activation of the population living in rural areas and on the job stability in this sector of services.

Source Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry
Print ISSN 0071-6677
Online ISSN
Type of article
review article
Original title
The role of licensing of forest service enterprises in the vocational activation of the population in rural areas
Publisher The Committee on Forestry Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Forest Research Institute in Sekocin Stary
Date 20/03/2009


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