Wpływ zabudowy hydrotechnicznej Odry na zróżnicowanie fitosocjologiczne siedlisk łęgowych kompleksu leśnego Prawików

Effect of hydrotechnical constructions on the Oder river on the phytosociological diversity of riparian habitats in the Prawików forest


  • Adam Cieśla Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Siedliskoznawstwa, Sękocin Stary, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, 05-090 Raszyn
    Fax +48 227200397, e-mail a.ciesla@ibles.waw.pl


Effects of hydrotechnical constructions of the Odra river on the phytosociological diversity of riparian habitats were investigated in the Prawików forest by means of succession processes occurring in the study area. The Tuxen and Ellenberg systematic value of species group and cover coefficients for species characteristic for Alno-Padion and Carpinon betuli communities as well as soil characteristics, water level of the Odra river and location of the study plots were used to evaluate succession direction. A lowering mean and minimum water level in the Odra river and number of floods were observed. Three types of habitats were also identified: post-riparian oak-hornbeam site type located behind the flood embankment, riparian forest site type neighboring to the river and site type classified as transitional between riparian and oak-hornbeam. Increase of occurrence frequency of species typical for oak-hornbeam site type was also observed within the inter-levee area what was concluded a result of drying of investigated fragment of the Odra valley below the water drop at Brzeg Dolny.

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