Wybrane rodziny chrząszczy (Coleoptera), z szerszym opracowaniem rodzin Cryptophagidae i Latridiidae, jako element monitoringu ekologicznego na terenie Puszczy Białowieskiej

Selected families of beetles (Coleoptera), with special reference to the families Cryptophagidae and Lathridiidae, as an element of ecological monitoring in Białowieża Primeval Forest



The results of the monitoring study on 8 families of beetles (Dytiscidae, Cholevidae, Ptiliidae, Scaphidiidae, Dermestidae, Byturidae, Cryptophagidae and Latridiidae – with more detailed analysis of the latter two), performed in the years 1988–1999, are presented. Altogether 715 beetles belonging to 74 species were caught. In view of rather small number of collected specimens these groups are not suitable for monitoring, but as a supplementary element they enable the better understanding of the species composition of the fauna and its role in forest ecosystems, and thus contribute to more efficient protection of so precious one as Białowieża Primeval Forest.

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