Wzrost dębu szypułkowego (Quercus robur L.) i dębu bezszypułkowego (Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) w doświadczeniu proweniencyjnym z 1994 r. w Nadleśnictwie Milicz

Growth of the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and sessile oak (Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) in 1994 provenance experiment in the Milicz Forest District


  • Władysław Barzdajn Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Leśny, Katedra Hodowli Lasu, ul Wojska Polskiego 71A, 60-625 Poznań, Polska;
    Tel. +48 61 8487742, fax +48 61 8487734; e-mail: barzdajn@up.poznan.pl


The experiment was established in 1995 in the territory of the Milicz Forest District in completely randomised block design, in five replications. 20 seedlings were planted on experimental plots at the spacing 1.5×1.5 m. 78 pedunculate oak and sessile oak populations were used in the experiment. The provenances were evaluated in 2007 for height growth during a 5-year period, survival, diameter at breast height and basal area. The contrast Q. robur contra Q. petraea was employed in the analysis of variance. The growth traits were correlated with the geographical location of mother stands. Nearly all these parameters except for survival accounted for the differences between species and populations. The intraspecific variation was very high which indicated a possibility of selection. The variability of pedunculate oak with regard to the analysed traits appeared to be higher than in the sessile oak. The ranges of traits of sessile oak fall entirely within the range of traits of pedunculate oak. The mean values of growth traits in sessile oak populations were lower in comparison with the populations of pedunculate oak. In the conditions of the experimental site, the differences in growth traits between the pedunculate oak and sessile oak were maintained at least to the age of 14. A correlation was found between the traits of pedunculate oak and geographical location of mother stands. The growth traits of populations from southern and western regions of Poland showed higher values. Such correlations were not detected in sessile oak.

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