Zagrożenie górskich drzewostanów świerkowych w zachodniej części Beskidów ze strony szkodników owadzich

Threat to Norway spruce stands of insect pests in the western part of Beskidy Mountains


  • Wojciech Grodzki Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Lasów Górskich, ul. Fredry 39, 30-605 Kraków
    Tel. +48 12 2528212, e-mail:


The changes in the phytosanitary status of the Norway spruce stands, and the results of the spatial analysis of the spruce decline in the stands affected by bark beetle outbreak in the western part of Carpathians in Poland, are presented. During the last decade the spruce decline and related decomposition of montane stands occurs in the Beskidy Mts., especially in Beskid Śląski and Beskid Żywiecki. The process is very intensive in the stands which have been considered as relatively resistant in the late 1980-ties, whereas those ranked as the most weakened are actually less affected by forest decline. The highest tree mortality and related bark beetle population level occurs in the stands affected by fungal root diseases in lower montane zone. The main bark beetle species, characteristics of their occurrence and role in the stands, are described. General forecast of the process development, and possible management strategies, are discussed.

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