Adaptacja i początkowy wzrost potomstwa drzewostanów nasiennych buka zwyczajnego (Fagus sylvatica L.) na uprawach porównawczych w nadleśnictwach Złotoryja i Lądek Zdrój

Adaptation and initial growth of seed stand progeny of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in comparative plantations established in the Złotoryja and Lądek Zdrój Forest Districts


  • Władysław Barzdajn Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Leśny, Katedra Hodowli Lasu, ul Wojska Polskiego 71A, 60-625 Poznań, Polska;
    Tel. +48 61 8487742, fax +48 61 8487734; e-mail:


The paper presents preliminary results of the provenance experiment with beech seed stands in south-western Poland. In each of the two experimental areas established in 2005 according to completely randomised block design, the same 30 objects were tested. In the years 2006 and 2007, heights were measured and survival was determined. To analyze data, the SERGEN 4 program was applied. It enabled evaluation of not only the main effects but also their significance, as well as genotype × environment interaction for each object individually. This allowed identification of plastic and non-plastic populations. The significance of the interaction, i.e. lack of plasticity for adaptation to plantation conditions or elevation was confirmed in half of the populations. Only two populations were found to be plastic, showing good performance in both plantations. Significant differences compared to the standard population were detected in few objects, and in most cases the differences were negative. The results obtained in the experiment confirm recent opinions about the ecotypic nature of genetic variation in beech and lack of plasticity of its provenances, at the same time indicating a chance for identifying especially valuable plastic populations.

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