Podsumowanie badań nad udziałem czynników biotycznych kształtujących odporność odmian topoli i ich przydatność dla praktyki gospodarczej

Recapitulation of inwestigation on the share of biotic agents formatting resistance of poplar varities and their usefulness from management practice


  • Czesława Kozłowska Instytut Badawczy Lesnictwa
    Zaklad Fitopatologii Lesnej
    ul Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 R. nr 3, 00-973 Warszawa
  • Tomasz Oszako Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Ochrony Lasu, Sękocin Stary, ul. Braci Leśnej 3; 05-090 Raszyn
    Tel. +48 22 7150 402 e-mail: T.Oszako@ibles.waw.pl


The most important in disease development on wooden parts of young poplars are following fungi species: Cenangium populneum (Per.) Rehm., Valsa sordida Nitsch, Valsa nivea (Pers.) Fr., Nectria sp. On the other hand on leaves and non-wooden shoots the most important fungi are Melampsora sp. and Venturia tremulae Aderh. Methods of soil cultivation a little influenced on health state of poplar varieties, however the disease resistance of varities to Cryptodiaporte populea (Sacc.) Butin was found. The investigation on the influence of microelements and elements on formation in poplar shoots the substances, which inhibit development of C. populea mycelium showed that boron and manganese positively ionfluesced poplar resistance. The list of poplar varieties of the best health state in different regions in Poland was prepared based on the field and laboratory studies.

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