Quo vadis forestry

Proceedings of International Conference, 29-30 June 2006, Sękocin Stary, Poland. Sękocin Stary 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-58-6, 614 pp. 35 Euro. OUT OF PRINT

The papers presented in this study include theses and comments, status analyses and assumed scenarios of changes in forest policy, economy and research in line with the three Conference Sessions. The broad range of aspects characterizing the presented opinions reflect the multiple nature of forest itself and its functions. Certain hypotheses or doubts raised by the Authors will still remain unsolved. The aim of the Conference was not so much to develop a new forestry strategy in the European Union or to point to the only right way of procedure, bur rather to make forest science and practice jointly understand the changing role of forest and forestry in the national and European economy.

The presented materials for the Conference „Quo vadis, Forestry?” include the invited and volunteered papers (in alphabetical order) in the version delivered by the Authors (with supplementing summaries in the English language if papers were delivered in Polish, and vice versa) and the reproduced plenary sessions.

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