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Wydane w języku angielskim
Catalogue of the fauna of Białowieża Primeval Forest – Jerzy M Gutowski and Bogdan Jaroszewicz
Eds: Jerzy M Gutowski and Bogdan Jaroszewicz ISBN 83-87647-22-5, 404 pp., ed. by Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2001. 54 EURO. Bilingual version – in Polish and in English. Catalogue of the animals of Białowieża Primeval Forest is focussed to the collection and verification of the data about, and the listing of all the species of the […]
Eds: Jerzy M Gutowski and Bogdan Jaroszewicz ISBN 83-87647-22-5, 404 pp., ed. by Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2001. 54 EURO. Bilingual version – in Polish and in English. Catalogue of the animals of Białowieża Primeval Forest is focussed to the collection and verification of the data about, and the listing of all the species of the […]
Large-area forest fires – Józef Piwnicki and Barbara Ubysz
Eds: Józef Piwnicki and Barbara Ubysz. ISBN 83-87647-36-5. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2004. FREE, OUT OF PRINT A collection of articles is presented here which originates from the seminar on „Large-area Forest Fires” that was held in Poland on 7-8 September 2004 under a Project titled „Protection of Forest Resources in Central Europe” (WP.5.5 – […]
Eds: Józef Piwnicki and Barbara Ubysz. ISBN 83-87647-36-5. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2004. FREE, OUT OF PRINT A collection of articles is presented here which originates from the seminar on „Large-area Forest Fires” that was held in Poland on 7-8 September 2004 under a Project titled „Protection of Forest Resources in Central Europe” (WP.5.5 – […]
Regionalization of agricultural landscape needs or shelterbelts and woodlots in Poland – Kazimierz Zajączkowski
Kazimierz Zajączkowski. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005, ISBN ISBN 83-87647-46-2, 128 pp., 22 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Abstract: Farmland afforestations, i.e. trees and shrubs outside forests are considered an important tool used for the protection and management of agricultural landscape, however the ways of their implementation should be adjusted […]
Kazimierz Zajączkowski. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005, ISBN ISBN 83-87647-46-2, 128 pp., 22 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Abstract: Farmland afforestations, i.e. trees and shrubs outside forests are considered an important tool used for the protection and management of agricultural landscape, however the ways of their implementation should be adjusted […]
Protection of soil and water resources in forestry areas – Edward Pierzgalski, Stanisław Niemtur, Janusz Czerepko
Eds: Edward Pierzgalski, Stanisław Niemtur, Janusz Czerepko ISBN 83-87647-38-1. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE, OUT OF PRINT The types and state of the forests depends in large measure on two environmental factors: soil and water. However the forest play water-protective and soil-protective functions but in spite of that water and soil resources can be […]
Eds: Edward Pierzgalski, Stanisław Niemtur, Janusz Czerepko ISBN 83-87647-38-1. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE, OUT OF PRINT The types and state of the forests depends in large measure on two environmental factors: soil and water. However the forest play water-protective and soil-protective functions but in spite of that water and soil resources can be […]
Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases – European Oak Decline Case Study – Tomasz Oszako
ISBN 83-87647-37-3. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE This study presents what is now one of the most important issues in the protection of forests from potentially-damaging agents, i.e. the phenomenon of oak dieback extending into several continents, though most destructively in North America and Europe. The book contains a great deal of practical information […]
ISBN 83-87647-37-3. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE This study presents what is now one of the most important issues in the protection of forests from potentially-damaging agents, i.e. the phenomenon of oak dieback extending into several continents, though most destructively in North America and Europe. The book contains a great deal of practical information […]
Phytophthora spp. in nurseries and forest stands – Tomasz Oszako
Ed. Tomasz Oszako ISBN 83-87647-45-4. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE, OUT OF PRINT In conditions of a warming climate, the existence of a global trade in the seedlings of trees and ornamental shrubs only increases the likelihood that new plant diseases hitherto present further south will become established in Poland. Phytophthora cinnamonli – a pathogen causing […]
Ed. Tomasz Oszako ISBN 83-87647-45-4. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE, OUT OF PRINT In conditions of a warming climate, the existence of a global trade in the seedlings of trees and ornamental shrubs only increases the likelihood that new plant diseases hitherto present further south will become established in Poland. Phytophthora cinnamonli – a pathogen causing […]
GIS and databases in the forest protection in Central Europe – Wojciech Grodzki
Ed. by Wojciech Grodzki. ISBN 83-87647-39-X. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE, OUT OF PRINT This book, summarizing the Central European approach to the use of databases and digital maps in the forest protection, appears as the result of the Workshop „GIS and databases in forest protection”, organized on November 25-27, 2004 in Kraków by […]
Ed. by Wojciech Grodzki. ISBN 83-87647-39-X. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE, OUT OF PRINT This book, summarizing the Central European approach to the use of databases and digital maps in the forest protection, appears as the result of the Workshop „GIS and databases in forest protection”, organized on November 25-27, 2004 in Kraków by […]
Analysis of microsatellite sequences in Scots pine – Justyna Nowakowska
Justyna Nowakowska, ISBN 83-87647-42-X, Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE The Proceedings describe an interesting aspect of population genetics assessed using microsatellite markers, as largely discussed during the Workshop entitled „New approaches in forest-tree genetics – Analysis of microsatellite sequences in Scots pine”, which was organised on 24 – 27 August 2004 by the PROFOREST […]
Justyna Nowakowska, ISBN 83-87647-42-X, Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2005. FREE The Proceedings describe an interesting aspect of population genetics assessed using microsatellite markers, as largely discussed during the Workshop entitled „New approaches in forest-tree genetics – Analysis of microsatellite sequences in Scots pine”, which was organised on 24 – 27 August 2004 by the PROFOREST […]
Private forestry contractors in Central and Eastern European countries – Krzysztof Jodłowski and Janusz Kocel
Eds: Krzysztof Jodłowski and Janusz Kocel, ISBN 83-87647-55-1, Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE, OUT OF PRINT In every country, including those with a developed market economy as well as those just creating a new socio-economic system, the establishing of private forestry enterprises stems from the need for increased effectiveness. In the countries with a […]
Eds: Krzysztof Jodłowski and Janusz Kocel, ISBN 83-87647-55-1, Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE, OUT OF PRINT In every country, including those with a developed market economy as well as those just creating a new socio-economic system, the establishing of private forestry enterprises stems from the need for increased effectiveness. In the countries with a […]
Possible limitation of decline phenomena in broadleaved stands – Tomasz Oszako and Steve Woodward
Eds: Tomasz Oszako and Steve Woodward ISBN 83-87647-56-X. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE, OUT OF PRINT This book focuses on developing state-of-the-art methods for detecting the vitality status of broad-leaved stands and their potential pests and pathogens in Europe. Species in the genus Phytophthora are responsible for some of the most damaging and dramatic diseases in […]
Eds: Tomasz Oszako and Steve Woodward ISBN 83-87647-56-X. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE, OUT OF PRINT This book focuses on developing state-of-the-art methods for detecting the vitality status of broad-leaved stands and their potential pests and pathogens in Europe. Species in the genus Phytophthora are responsible for some of the most damaging and dramatic diseases in […]
Insect outbreaks in managed and unmanaged forests – Andrzej Kolk
Ed. Andrzej Kolk ISBN 83-87647-58-6. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. OUT OF PRINT Forests in Poland as a constant wealth of the whole nation, irrespective of their ownership types or protection forms, are under permanent hazard posed by biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors. Winds are among natural abiotic factors contributing to the occurrence of bark […]
Ed. Andrzej Kolk ISBN 83-87647-58-6. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. OUT OF PRINT Forests in Poland as a constant wealth of the whole nation, irrespective of their ownership types or protection forms, are under permanent hazard posed by biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors. Winds are among natural abiotic factors contributing to the occurrence of bark […]
Forests and Forestry in European Union Countries – Forest Research Institute
Forest Research Institute – The State Forests Information Centre, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 83-89744-41-4, 83-87647-53-5, 464 pp., In English. FREE Reports regarding forest and forestry in European Union countries presented in the book were prepared by professionals from particular counties for request of the Forest Research Institute. Except of forests and production characteristic in each country, […]
Forest Research Institute – The State Forests Information Centre, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 83-89744-41-4, 83-87647-53-5, 464 pp., In English. FREE Reports regarding forest and forestry in European Union countries presented in the book were prepared by professionals from particular counties for request of the Forest Research Institute. Except of forests and production characteristic in each country, […]
Current problems of forest protection in spruce stands under conversion – Wojciech Grodzki and Tomasz Oszako
Eds: Wojciech Grodzki and Tomasz Oszako ISBN 83-87647-57-8. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE, OUT OF PRINT Despite long-term research and the treatments carried out every year, the root rot caused by the fungi of the genus Armillaria is, beside butt rot, one of the most significant problems of forest protection. The greatest losses are incurred by […]
Eds: Wojciech Grodzki and Tomasz Oszako ISBN 83-87647-57-8. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE, OUT OF PRINT Despite long-term research and the treatments carried out every year, the root rot caused by the fungi of the genus Armillaria is, beside butt rot, one of the most significant problems of forest protection. The greatest losses are incurred by […]
Characteristics of the crown as the basis of the method for assessing damage to black alder stands [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.] – Elżbieta Dmyterko
Elżbieta Dmyterko. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 83-87647-48-9, 104 pp., 16 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Detailed measurements of 2,275 trees were carried out in 235 tree stands. Defoliation of the sun crown (Def) and tree vitality (Wit) were assumed as the main criteria of damage to trees […]
Elżbieta Dmyterko. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 83-87647-48-9, 104 pp., 16 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Detailed measurements of 2,275 trees were carried out in 235 tree stands. Defoliation of the sun crown (Def) and tree vitality (Wit) were assumed as the main criteria of damage to trees […]
Baculoviruses of selected species of foliophagous forest insects and their biological activity – Iwona Skrzecz
Iwona Skrzecz. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006, 75 pp., ISBN-10 83-87647-60-8, 14 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. The results of conducted in 1997-2004 investigation on baculoviruses of important forest pest insects observed in the subsequent phases of outbreaks and laboratory evaluation of biological activity of isolated baculoviruses are presented […]
Iwona Skrzecz. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006, 75 pp., ISBN-10 83-87647-60-8, 14 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. The results of conducted in 1997-2004 investigation on baculoviruses of important forest pest insects observed in the subsequent phases of outbreaks and laboratory evaluation of biological activity of isolated baculoviruses are presented […]
Assessing of soil and water conditions in forests – Andrzej Boczoń
Ed. by Andrzej Boczoń ISBN 83-87647-52-7, Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE Prevention of negative phenomena caused by time and spatial variability of climate conditions through rational water management is necessary for sustainable and multifunctional forest management. Rational water management in forests is also important for water relations in the areas out of forests. Interception, […]
Ed. by Andrzej Boczoń ISBN 83-87647-52-7, Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2006. FREE Prevention of negative phenomena caused by time and spatial variability of climate conditions through rational water management is necessary for sustainable and multifunctional forest management. Rational water management in forests is also important for water relations in the areas out of forests. Interception, […]
Quo vadis forestry
Proceedings of International Conference, 29-30 June 2006, Sękocin Stary, Poland. Sękocin Stary 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-58-6, 614 pp. 35 Euro. OUT OF PRINT The papers presented in this study include theses and comments, status analyses and assumed scenarios of changes in forest policy, economy and research in line with the three Conference Sessions. The broad range […]
Proceedings of International Conference, 29-30 June 2006, Sękocin Stary, Poland. Sękocin Stary 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-58-6, 614 pp. 35 Euro. OUT OF PRINT The papers presented in this study include theses and comments, status analyses and assumed scenarios of changes in forest policy, economy and research in line with the three Conference Sessions. The broad range […]
Subfossil vegetation in the light of history of sphagnum raised mires in the north-eastern and central Poland as well as in the Sudety Mountains – Marek Kloss
Marek Kloss. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-67-4, 144 pp. 24 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Results are discussed of a palaeoecological study the aim of which was to reconstruct the history of raised mires situated in three geographical regions of Poland. Geological structure of the mires […]
Marek Kloss. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-67-4, 144 pp. 24 EUR. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Results are discussed of a palaeoecological study the aim of which was to reconstruct the history of raised mires situated in three geographical regions of Poland. Geological structure of the mires […]
Alien Invasive Species and International Trade – Hugh Evans and Tomasz Oszako
Edited by Hugh Evans and Tomasz Oszako. Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary, 2007. ISBN 978-83-87647-64-3, 180 pp. FREE. There is available pdf format at http://www.forestresearch.gov.uk/pdf/IUFRO_Jedlnia_2006.pdf/$FILE/IUFRO_Jedlnia_2006.pdf The papers collected in this volume arose from the first meeting of IUFRO Working Party 7.03.12, Alien Invasive Species and International Trade, held in Jedlnia, Poland in July 2006. They […]
Edited by Hugh Evans and Tomasz Oszako. Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary, 2007. ISBN 978-83-87647-64-3, 180 pp. FREE. There is available pdf format at http://www.forestresearch.gov.uk/pdf/IUFRO_Jedlnia_2006.pdf/$FILE/IUFRO_Jedlnia_2006.pdf The papers collected in this volume arose from the first meeting of IUFRO Working Party 7.03.12, Alien Invasive Species and International Trade, held in Jedlnia, Poland in July 2006. They […]
The use of pheromone traps for the monitoring of Ips typographus (L.) populations in selected national parks in the Carpathians – Wojciech Grodzki
Wojciech Grodzki. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978–83–87647–69–8. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. 32 EUR. Abstract. The main goal of the 1998-2003 investigations was to define the acceptability of I.typographus pheromone monitoring in the areas under nature protection, by comparing the value of collected information and the ecological effects of […]
Wojciech Grodzki. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978–83–87647–69–8. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. 32 EUR. Abstract. The main goal of the 1998-2003 investigations was to define the acceptability of I.typographus pheromone monitoring in the areas under nature protection, by comparing the value of collected information and the ecological effects of […]
The principles of sustainable forest management based on the example of an industrialized region – Jan Głaz
Jan Głaz. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-63-6, 128 pp. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. 26 EUR. he principles of sustainable forest management based on the example of an industrialized region. Jan Głaz. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-63-6, 128 pp. In Polish with abstract, summary, […]
Jan Głaz. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-63-6, 128 pp. In Polish with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. 26 EUR. he principles of sustainable forest management based on the example of an industrialized region. Jan Głaz. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978-83-87647-63-6, 128 pp. In Polish with abstract, summary, […]
Genetic variation of Polish Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations assessed with DNA polymorphism markers – Justyna A. Nowakowska
Justyna A. Nowakowska. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978-83-878647-70-4, 118 pp. In Polish, with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. 32 EUR Abstract. The investigations of the genetic structure were performed on 42 Scots pine populations located in six Natural-Forest Regions in Poland using nuclear microsatellite (SSR) and mitochondrial (STS) markers loci. The […]
Justyna A. Nowakowska. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2007, ISBN 978-83-878647-70-4, 118 pp. In Polish, with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. 32 EUR Abstract. The investigations of the genetic structure were performed on 42 Scots pine populations located in six Natural-Forest Regions in Poland using nuclear microsatellite (SSR) and mitochondrial (STS) markers loci. The […]
Model of rate of succession of epigeic carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on degraded areas – Axel Schwerk
Axel Schwerk. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2008, ISBN 978–83–87647–74–2. 72 pp. 16 EUR. Degraded areas constitute challenging tasks with respect to sustainable management of natural resources. Of special importance seems to establish special successional stages. This book presents a model of the succession on five different types of degraded areas based on carabid fauna. […]
Axel Schwerk. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2008, ISBN 978–83–87647–74–2. 72 pp. 16 EUR. Degraded areas constitute challenging tasks with respect to sustainable management of natural resources. Of special importance seems to establish special successional stages. This book presents a model of the succession on five different types of degraded areas based on carabid fauna. […]
Hydrological functions of forests in small lowland catchments – Jan Tyszka
Jan Tyszka. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2008, ISBN 978-83-878647-76-6, 216 pp. In Polish, with abstract, summary, list of abbreviations and symbols, tables and figures in English. 38 EUR. The study attempts to estimate and to interpret the impact of forest on water circulation in small lowland catchments of the Vistula river basin taking into […]
Jan Tyszka. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2008, ISBN 978-83-878647-76-6, 216 pp. In Polish, with abstract, summary, list of abbreviations and symbols, tables and figures in English. 38 EUR. The study attempts to estimate and to interpret the impact of forest on water circulation in small lowland catchments of the Vistula river basin taking into […]
The importance and practical possibilities of use of findings of the research carried out in oak stands on permanent sample plots established by Schwappach and Wiedemann – Małgorzata Dudzińska and Arkadiusz Bruchwald
Małgorzata Dudzińska and Arkadiusz Bruchwald. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2008, ISBN 973-83-87647-78-0, 100 pp. In Polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. Price 26 EUR. Abstract. Dendrometric studies on permanent sample plots were initiated in Germany in the second half of the 19th century by Adam Schwappach (1851-1932) and continued by Eilharda Wiedemann […]
Małgorzata Dudzińska and Arkadiusz Bruchwald. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2008, ISBN 973-83-87647-78-0, 100 pp. In Polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. Price 26 EUR. Abstract. Dendrometric studies on permanent sample plots were initiated in Germany in the second half of the 19th century by Adam Schwappach (1851-1932) and continued by Eilharda Wiedemann […]
The influence of the habitat on deer populations in the regenerated area after a large-scale forest fire – Jakub Borkowski
Jakub Borkowski. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2009, ISBN978-83-87647-80-3, 72 pp. Price 18 EUR. Abstract. The study was carried out in an area of 17,500 hectares in the territory of the Rudy Raciborskie Forest District where 5,000 hectares of forest was burned in the 1992 fire. In terms of food availability, the burned area, with […]
Jakub Borkowski. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2009, ISBN978-83-87647-80-3, 72 pp. Price 18 EUR. Abstract. The study was carried out in an area of 17,500 hectares in the territory of the Rudy Raciborskie Forest District where 5,000 hectares of forest was burned in the 1992 fire. In terms of food availability, the burned area, with […]
Forest fire risk assessment method supporting the organisation of fire fighting operations – Ryszard Szczygieł
Ryszard Szczygieł. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2009, ISBN 973-83-87647-77-3, 128 pp. Price 33 EUR. Abstract. As a result of project execution, a comprehensive method of assessing forest fire risk combined with a forecast of fire spread has been developed. It can be used to support the National Firefighting and Rescue System and Forest Service. […]
Ryszard Szczygieł. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2009, ISBN 973-83-87647-77-3, 128 pp. Price 33 EUR. Abstract. As a result of project execution, a comprehensive method of assessing forest fire risk combined with a forecast of fire spread has been developed. It can be used to support the National Firefighting and Rescue System and Forest Service. […]
Prediction and control of the nun moth Lymantria monacha L. – Lidia Sukovata
Lidia Sukovata. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2010, ISBN 978-83-87647-83-4, 128 pp. In Polish, with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Price 34 EUR. Abstract The aim of this work was to improve the nun moth pest management system in Poland using current knowledge and the results of studies conducted in 2001-2008. The scope […]
Lidia Sukovata. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, 2010, ISBN 978-83-87647-83-4, 128 pp. In Polish, with abstract, summary, tables and figures in English. Price 34 EUR. Abstract The aim of this work was to improve the nun moth pest management system in Poland using current knowledge and the results of studies conducted in 2001-2008. The scope […]
The Changes of vegetation on forest wetland sites in North-Eastern Poland – Janusz Czerepko
Janusz Czerepko, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011. ISBN 978-83-878647-99-5, pp. 128 + 11 tables. In Polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. Price 50 EUR. Abstract. The goals of the studies were the determination of the direction and the rate of vegetation changes going on forest wetland communities. The studies were carried out on […]
Janusz Czerepko, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011. ISBN 978-83-878647-99-5, pp. 128 + 11 tables. In Polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. Price 50 EUR. Abstract. The goals of the studies were the determination of the direction and the rate of vegetation changes going on forest wetland communities. The studies were carried out on […]
The impact of predation on small rodent population dynamics as exemplified by the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) – Zbigniew Borowski
Zbigniew Borowski, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011. ISBN 978-83-87647-98-8, pp. 124. in polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. 34 EUR. In the presented paper long-term (1983–2008) root vole population dynamics in Biebrza National Park (BNP) was analyzed. In order to evaluate predation as a key factor limiting growth of small rodent population, […]
Zbigniew Borowski, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011. ISBN 978-83-87647-98-8, pp. 124. in polish, with abstract, tables and figures in English. 34 EUR. In the presented paper long-term (1983–2008) root vole population dynamics in Biebrza National Park (BNP) was analyzed. In order to evaluate predation as a key factor limiting growth of small rodent population, […]
Activity report of the Białowieża Department of the Forest Research Institute – Elżbieta Malzahn
Elżbieta Malzahn. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011, ISBN 978-83-87647-94-0, 132 ss. Free. Publication of this book was financed by the Białystok Regional Directorate of the State Forest and the Białowieża, Browsk, Hajnówka, Supraśl, Żednia, Waliły, Bielsk, Nurzec, and Rudka Forest Districts and the regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Białystok. Instytut […]
Elżbieta Malzahn. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011, ISBN 978-83-87647-94-0, 132 ss. Free. Publication of this book was financed by the Białystok Regional Directorate of the State Forest and the Białowieża, Browsk, Hajnówka, Supraśl, Żednia, Waliły, Bielsk, Nurzec, and Rudka Forest Districts and the regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Białystok. Instytut […]
Activity report of the Białowieża Department of the Forest Research Institute – Elżbieta Malzahn
Elżbieta Malzahn. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011, ISBN 978-83-87647-94-0, 132 ss. Free. Publication of this book was financed by the Białystok Regional Directorate of the State Forest and the Białowieża, Browsk, Hajnówka, Supraśl, Żednia, Waliły, Bielsk, Nurzec, and Rudka Forest Districts and the regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Białystok. Instytut […]
Elżbieta Malzahn. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary 2011, ISBN 978-83-87647-94-0, 132 ss. Free. Publication of this book was financed by the Białystok Regional Directorate of the State Forest and the Białowieża, Browsk, Hajnówka, Supraśl, Żednia, Waliły, Bielsk, Nurzec, and Rudka Forest Districts and the regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Białystok. Instytut […]