Identyfikacja leśnych siedlisk przyrodniczych NATURA 2000 na przykładzie Nadleśnictwa Oleśnica Śląska

Identification of NATURA 2000 forest habitats on the example of Oleśnica Śląska Forest District


  • Ewa Stefańska-Krzaczek Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wydział Nauk Biologicznych, Instytut Biologii Środowiskowej, Zakład Botaniki, Pracownia Ekologii Roślinności
    ul. Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław
    Tel. +48 71 3754084, e-mail:
  • Zygmunt Kącki Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Zakład Bioróżnorodności i Ochrony Szaty Roślinnej, ul. Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław


Between 2006 and 2007 the inventory of Natura 2000 species and habitat types was made in Polish State Forests. This work presents the results obtained in Oleśnica Śląska Forest District. First, the subsections, which could represent habitat types, were chosen on the basis of tree stand composition and forest site condition. It resulted in 4 262,67 ha of Natura 2000 habitats, which represented 16,3% of the total forest area of the District. Nine types were found: 91D0, 9160, 9170, 9110, 9190, 91E0, 91F0, 91T0, 9130. As a result of a fieldwork the area of habitats was seriously reduced. The Natura 2000 habitats were found in 446 forest subsections on the total area of 1 761,4 ha. The 9160, 91T0 and 9130 types were not confirmed. The area of slightly degenerated habitats was the highest and it was 56,2% of the total area of all habitats. On the basis of the analysis of 122 relevés collected in Oleśnica Śląska Forest District 7 plant associations were indentified. Their structure was a model to determine the precise criteria for recognition the habitats.

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