Gospodarka leśna a występowanie zawiesin w wodach rzek i potoków i ich oddziaływanie na ichtiofaunę i ekosystemy rzeczne

Forest management practices and the occurrence of suspended solids in rivers and streams and their influence on ichthyofauna and river ecosystems


  • Tomasz Mikołajczyk Pracownia Ekspertyz i Badań Ichtiologicznych PEBI, ul Juliusza Lea 236/9, 30-133 Kraków;
    Tel. +48 501 306 003, e-mail: tomasz.mikolajczyk@salmonidae.org
  • Przemysław Nawrocki Fundacja WWF Polska, ul. Usypiskowa 1, 02-386 Warszawa


This article is based on a literature review and attempts to highlight the harmful effects of forest soil erosion on aquatic ecosystems with particular emphasis on ichthyofauna. We focus on the phenomena of excessive soil erosion caused by forest management practices and forest roads, subsequent sediment runoff as well as silting of watercourses and their impact on fish. Among others, the direct influence of the suspended sediments on fish reproduction, egg incubation, respiratory processes, growth and immunity, as well as indirect effects on habitat and migration are discussed. The authors’ intention is to draw attention to this important and underestimated aspect of forest management in Poland. The aim of this publication is to bring about changes in the management of commercial forests that will minimize the erosion of forest soils, formation of high levels of suspended solids in rivers and in turn limit their negative impact on aquatic ecosystems.

DOI 10.2478/frp-2019-0027
Source Leśne Prace Badawcze, 2019, 80 (4): 269–276
Print ISSN 1732-9442
Online ISSN
Type of article
Review article
Original title
Gospodarka leśna a występowanie zawiesin w wodach rzek i potoków i ich oddziaływanie na ichtiofaunę i ekosystemy rzeczne
Publisher Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, Poland
Date 30 December 2019

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