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- Małek S., Belyazid S., Sverdrup H. Modelling changes in forest soil chemistry in the oldest spruce stands in the Potok Dupnianski Catchment in Southern Poland using ForSAFE model
- Ballian D., Dautbašić M., Božič G. Comparative indicators of genetic variability and bark beetle infestation intensity in populations of norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Milenković I., Keča N., Karadžić D., Nowakowska J., Borys M., Sikora K., Oszako T. Incidence of Phytophthora species in beech stands in Serbia
- Wojterska M., Jagodziński A., Skorupski M., Kasprowicz M., Dobies T., Kałucka I., Sławska M., Wierzbicka A., Łabędzki A., Nowiński M., Małek S., Banaszczak P., Karolewski P., Oleksyn J. Species diversity related to red maple (Acer rubrum L.) occurred on experimental stands in Rogów Arboretum (Poland)
- Heydari M., Ali S., Ali M., Mostafa A. Effects of different fire severity levels on soil chemical and physical properties in Zagros forests of western Iran
- Genetics of Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae. The IUFRO working group „2.08.05”, October 9– 12, 2012
- Małek S., Barszcz J., Kędziora B. Factors influencing silvicultural value of cultures of silver fir at higher altitudes in the Beskid Śląski and Beskid Żywiecki Mountains
- Štofko P. Aboveground parameters of spruce stability in the light of discriminant analysis
- Selahvarzi B., Hosseini S. Survival, growth and mineral accumulation in ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) seedlings irrigated with water treatment effluent
- Grodzki W. Two types of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. infestation by the double spined bark beetle Ips duplicatus (C.R. Sahlb.) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in southern and north-eastern Poland
- Aleksandrowicz-Trzcińska M., Drozdowski S. Growth and mycorrhizal colonisation of naturally regenerating Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in relation to microsite conditions created by different site preparation methods
- Riek W., Russ A., Martin J. Soil acidification and nutrient sustainability of forest ecosystems in the northeastern German lowlands – Results of the national forest soil inventory
- Skrzecz I., Tumialis D., Pezowicz E., Sowińska A. Evaluation of biological activity of biopreparations containing nematodes from the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis used for reducing large pine weevil Hylobius abietis L. population in pine Pinus sylvestris L. stumps
- Skrzyszewska K., Sułkowska M. Prof. dr hab. Janusz Sabor (1946–2012)
- Skrzecz I. First all-Poland Conference on Insect Pathology – „State of the art and future directions of research on insect pathology in Poland”
- Mukhortova L. Carbon and nutrient release during decomposition of coarse woody debris in forest ecosystems of Central Siberia
- Petrila M., Apostol B., Lorenţ A., Gancz V., Silaghi D. Forest biomass estimation by the use of airborne laser scanning data and in situ FieldMap measurements in a spruce forest stand
- Socha J., Durło G. How will climate change impact biomass increment by Norway spruce stands in Western Beskids?
- Głowacka B., Sierpińska A. Control of adult cockchafers Melolontha spp. with Mospilan 20 SP
- Nihlgård B. Forests and their importance in the global carbon and nitrogen balance – a review with reflections
- Hoxha B. Two-phased inventory of standing volume in mountain forests with the use of aerial photographs
- Klimchenko A., Verkhovets S. Carbon stocks in coarse woody debris in the middle taiga ecosystems located along the Yenisei river
- Schepaschenko D., Fritz S., McCallum I., Shvidenko A., Perger C., Schill C., See L., Kraxner F., Obersteiner M. A platform to visualize, analyze and improve biomass datasets: http://biomass.geo-wiki.org
- Sułkowska M. The utilization of genetic approaches for effective conservation of endangered species ConGRESS project, regional workshop, Zvolen, January 25–27, 2012
- Ambroży S., Kosibowicz M. Damage to regeneration in the area after large-scale decline of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. stands in the mountains
- Kooch Y., Hosseini S., Mohammadi J., Hojjati S. Determination of the best canopy gap area on the basis of soil characteristics using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- Vitas A., Oszako T., Nowakowska J., Sikora K., Stankevičienė A. First records of Phytophthora spp. based on DNA analysis in Lithuania
- Storch S. Divergence of nature myths and social relations: Polish state foresters between hierarchical and egalitarian contexts
- Sukovata L., Kolk A., Jaworski T., Plewa R. The risk of pine wilt disease in Poland
- Sułkowska M., Gömöry D., Paule L. Genetic diversity of European beech in Poland estimated onthe basis of isoenzyme analyses
- Tarwacki G., Bystrowski C., Celmer-Warda K. Effect of sun-exposure of the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) on the occurrence and number ofparasitoids of the horse chestnut leafminer (Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic) in central Poland in 2004–2006
- Waez-Mousavi S., Habashi H., Sajedi T. The effect of forest treefall gap on humus forms in amixed Fagus orientalis Lipsky (Oriental Beech) forest