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- Gette I., Pakharkova N., Kosov I., Bezkorovaynaya I. Fluorescence methods for estimation of post-fire response of pine needles
- Grodzki W., Gąsienica Fronek W. Reproduction abilities of Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the stands damaged by the wind in 2013 in the Kościeliska Valley (Tatra National Park)
- Borecki T., Pieniak D., Stępień E., Wójcik R. Planning and regulation of pre-final cuttings in Poland – a proposal for change
- Hycza T., Stereńczak K., Bałazy R. Black-Bridge data in the detection of forest area changes in the example of Sudety and Beskidy
- Hauke-Kowalska M., Kasprzyk W. Influence of nitrogen fertilisation on biometric features of two-year-old seedlings of pedunculate oak subjected for root pruning
- Koranteng A., Adu-Poku I., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T. Drivers of land use change and carbon mapping in the savannah area of Ghana
- Březina D., Hlaváčková P., Fialová J. Economic evaluation of recreational use of forests roads on the example of Pisek City Forests Ltd.
- Oszako T., Sikora K., Belbahri L., Nowakowska J. Molecular analysis of Phytophthora species found in Poland
- Grygoruk D. Participation of the Forest Research Institute in conference INFOBAZY 2017
- Matsiakh I., Volodymyr Kramarets V., Tsiklauri K. Imeretian oak and a great capricorn beetle – the problem of relations on the territory of Ajameti Managed Reserve (Republic of Georgia)
- Jasińska A., Tulik M. Peculiar traits of wood in a leaning stem of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
- Jansons A., Matisons R., Pobiarzens A., Sisenis L., Neimane U. Proportion of knotty wood in stems of 28-year old lodgepole and Scots pine in experimental plantation in Zvirgzde, Latvia
- Tyburski Ł., Przybylski P. The state of crowns of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) in Kampinos National Park (Central Poland) in years 2015–2016 – preliminary studies
- Wróblewska-Łuczka P., Chmielewska-Badora J., Zwoliński J., Galińska E., Adamczuk P., Żukiewicz-Sobczak W., Jerzy Zagórski J., Tomasiewicz K., Wojtyła A. Exposure to infection with Hantavirus (serotype Dobrava/Hantaan) among forestry workers in Poland
- Khvesyk M., Shubalyi A., Golyan V. Multicriteria evaluation of forestry development by regions (by the example of Ukraine)
- Elena N. Nakvasina E., Volkov A., Prozherina N. Provenance experiment with spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea obovata (Ledeb.)) in the North of Russia (Arkhangelsk region)
- Adamowicz K., Gwiazdowicz M., Szczypa P. Applicability of book value to estimate property of Polish forest management units
- Dąbrowski P., Kalaji H., Keča N., Horaczek T., Oszako T. The influence of phosphite treatments on oak leaves and damage caused by powdery mildew Erysiphe alphitoides
- ., Stereńczak K., Mierczyk M., Maciuk S., Bałazy R., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T. Sensitivity of Vegetation Indices in Relation to Parameters of Norway Spruce Stands
- Gołąb J., Urban K., Elżbieta Badach E. Soil moisture variation on the outlet area of devices dewatering forest roads in Beskid Sądecki
- Ilek A., Kucza J., Morkisz K. Hydrological properties of bark of selected forest tree species. Part 2: Interspecific variability of bark water storage capacity
- Masternak K. Effect of seed collection and site altitude on the growth and genetic variability of early and late flushing provenances of Norway spruce tested in the IPTNS-IUFRO 1964/68 site in Poland
- ., Lewandowska-Wosik A., Pawlaczyk E., Urbaniak L. Variability of morphological needle traits of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) among populations from mountain and lowland regions of Poland
- Tereba A., Konecka A., Nowakowska J. Application of selected molecular markers in studies on forest trees
- Hrunyk N., Gout R., Valentina Kovaleva V. Regulation of gene expression for defensins and lipid transfer protein in Scots pine seedlings by necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria alternata (Fr.)
- Oszako T., Olchowik J., Szaniawski A., Drozdowski S., Aleksandrowicz-Trzcińska M. Emerging forest disease in Europe and North America
- Gryz J., Lesiński G., Krauze-Gryz D., Przemysław Stolarz P. Woodland reserves within an urban agglomeration as important refuges for small mammals
- Otręba A., Marciszewska K., Janik D. Is cut-stump and girdling an efficient method of black cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh. eradication?
- Nawrot-Chorabik K. Response of the callus cells of fir (Abies nordmanniana) to in vitro heavy metal stress
- Parzych A., Mochnacký S., Sobisz Z., Kurhaluk N., Polláková N. Accumulation of heavy metals in needles and bark of Pinus species
- Pawlaczyk E., Bączkiewicz A., Buczkowska K., Bobowicz M. Genetic variation of silver fir progeny from Tisovik Reserve population determined via microsatellite and isozyme markers
- Adamowicz K., Noga T. Assessment applicability of selected models of multiple discriminant analyses to forecast financial situation of Polish wood sector enterprises
- Czerepko J., Geszprych M., Gołos P. Basic assumptions for forest management and nature conservation from axiological, legal, and economic perspective
- Tkaczyk M., Pacia A., Siebyła M., Oszako T. Phosphite fertilisers as inhibitors of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (anamorph Chalara fraxinea) growth in tests in vitro