Cover letter

Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A-Forestry

Sekocin Stary, Braci Lesnej 3,

05-090 Raszyn, Poland

[Insert date here – Day Month Year]


Dear Editor,

Please find enclosed our manuscript entitled „[insert title of your manuscript here]”, which we would like to submit for publication as an [insert article type here] in Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A-Forestry.

All authors of publication:

  1. Author 1 name and affiliation, e-mail address
  2. Author 2 name and affiliation, e-mail address
  3. Author 3 name and affiliation, e-mail address
  4. etc.

1. We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with submission to Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A-Forestry. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

2. [REQUIRED] We would like to recommend the following researchers as potential reviewers for this paper (insert the names of at least 2 reviewers):

  1. Reviewer 1 name, contact information, e-mail address
  2. Reviewer 2 name, contact information, e-mail address
  3. Reviewer 3 name, contact information, , e-mail address


3. [NOT REQUIRED] We ask that the following researchers are excluded as reviewers because of potential conflict of interest (insert the names of at least 1 researcher):

  1. Reviewer 1 name , contact information, e-mail address
  2. Reviewer 2 name, contact information, e-mail address


4. [REQUIRED] We would like to declare that all studies were ethically conducted concerning the care and use of animals in presented studies.

5. [REQUIRED] Please address all correspondence to:

The name of corresponding author, contact address and e-mail address


Yours sincerely,

Insert name of corresponding author on behalf of all authors

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