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Program konferencji
Wstępny program konferencji*
15.05.2024 r. – DZIEŃ 1
Sesja otwierająca i sesje gości zagranicznych
7:30-8:30 | Rejestracja uczestników |
8:30-9:50 | Rozpoczęcie konferencji i wykłady otwierające
9:50-10:15 | Przerwa |
10:15-12:15 | Sesja referatowa Las/Miasto (czas prezentacji 20 min)
12:15-13:15 | Obiad |
13:15-15:00 | Sesja referatowa Klimat/Woda (czas prezentacji 20 min)
15:00-15:20 | Przerwa |
15:20-17:20 | Sesja referatowa Mobilność/Technologia (czas prezentacji 20 min)
20:00-23:00 | Uroczysta kolacja |
16.05.2024 r. – DZIEŃ 2
Sesje tematyczne oraz panele dyskusyjne
8:15-9:45 | Panel dyskusyjny (Rozwój kariery naukowej w Polsce i zagranicą) |
9:45-11:15 | Sesja referatowa LAS 1 (czas prezentacji 15 min)
11:15-11:35 | Przerwa |
11:35-13:15 | Sesja referatowa Miasto/Turystyka (czas prezentacji 15 min)
13:15-14:15 | Obiad |
14:15-15:15 | Panel dyskusyjny (Wymagania sektora prywatnego względem nauki) |
15:15-17:15 | Sesja referatowa Klimat/Woda (czas prezentacji 15 min)
17:15-17:30 | Przerwa |
17:30-19:00 | Sesja referatowa Las 2 (czas prezentacji 15 min)
17.05.2024 r. – DZIEŃ 3
Sesje tematyczne oraz warsztaty
8:15-9:45 | Sesja referatowa Technologia (czas prezentacji 15 min)
9:45-11:00 | Przerwa / Sesja posterowa |
11:00-12:30 | Sesja referatowa Analizy zmian (czas prezentacji 15 min)
12:30-13:00 | Zamknięcie konferencji |
13:00-13:45 | Obiad |
14:00-16:00 | Warsztaty |
* podano osoby prezentujące
Lista posterów
- Adrian Kaszkiel (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Multi-scale recognition of the climatic functioning of peatlands in Poland – the MIRECLIM Project
- Robin Wilgan (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Impact of invasive tree species on ectomycorrhizal fungi in pine forest ecosystems
- Dominika Robak (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) – Regeneration potential and genetic variability of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) along the Vistula River
- Anita Rzadkiewicz (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Metabolome analysis of N. tabacum cv. BY-2 suspension cells depending on sample size and method of normalization of GC MS/MS data
- Julita Bujak (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Development of ecosystem services in forest complexes on the example of Brzeziny Forest District
POSTER - Martyna Lasek (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Analysis of genomic resources of the most valuable Scots pine ecotypes in Poland in the face
of a changing climate - Aleksandra Skolimowska (Warsaw University of Technology) - Albedo analysis and classification of snow and ice cover in satellite images in the Svalbard archipelago
- Marta Kujawska (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Influence of habitat type on the soil mycobiome of European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.)
POSTER - Natalia Korcz (Forest Research Institute) - Infrastructure elements that should accompany forest routes
- Radosław Cichosz (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - The impact of applying the biodynamic afforestation method on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on the reclaimed sand mine in Szczakowa
- Aram Takmadżan (University of Warsaw) - Vegetation condition changes of the tree stands in the Tatra Mountains from 1984 to 2022 using Landsat satellite images
POSTER - Natalia Korcz (Forest Research Institute) - Can environmental education affect the strength of a person's connection to nature – an experiment on young adults using the CNS and NEP psychometric scales
- Aleksandra Krzywicka (University of Warsaw) - Change detection in the Tatra Mountains forests using Landsat time series and the BFAST Algorithm
- Anita Sabat-Tomala (University of Warsaw) - The application of airborne hyperspectral images and machine learning algorithms for the identification of invasive and expansive plant species
- Jakub Miszczyszyn (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Analysis of the information capability of spectral indices in remote sensing of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum L.) in pine stands, acquired using unmanned aerial platforms (BSP)
POSTER - Małgorzata Osmenda (State Forests, Olkusz Forest District) - The influence of physiological breaking the dormancy methods of European ash seeds on the seedling germination from various locations in the southern regions of Poland
- Adrian Nowacki (Adam Mickiewicz University) - Accuracy comparison of various land cover and land use sources: case study of Poznań and poznański county
POSTER - Piotr Janiec (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - An application of digital aerial photogrammetry data in forest height growth modelling
- Małgorzata Szczepańska (Kazimierz Wielki University) - Using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in the analysis of forest over changes following the storm of 2017 – case study of the Przymuszewo Forest Inspectorate in Poland
POSTER - Kajetan Olędzki (Warsaw University of Life Science) - Weibull or normal distribution which one better approximates the tree diameter structure in pine stands
of the Smardzewice Forest District? - Sebastian Czapiewski (Kazimierz Wielki University) - Utilization of LiDAR Data in Analyses of Peatland Changes in Young Glacial Drainage Basins
POSTER - Igor Pawelec (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Segmentation of forest geospatial data with scale-adaptive superpixels algorithm
POSTER - Kateryna Lipińska (Forest Research Institute) - Monitoring invasive species in urban areas using the example of knotweed in Warsaw
- Natalia Michałowska - The impact of climate change on the accelerating crisis for nature in the United Kingdom
- Agata Wrońska (AGH University of Krakow) - Assessment of the impact of historical mining activities on landscape planning in the Olkusz region
POSTER - Garry Marapao (University of Agriculture in Krakow / University of the Philippines) - Climate-driven Spatio-temporal Disease Pattern of Uromycladium falcatarium (Doungsa-ard, McTaggart & R.G. Shivas) to Falcata Tree Plantations in Mindanao, Philippines
POSTER - Anna Podkowa (Warsaw University of Technology) - River monitoring in the Lower Mekong Basin with L-band SMAP satellite data
- Patrycja Essing-Jelonkiewicz (Kazimierz Wielki University) - Technological innovation used in the development of forest tourism and forest recreation in Poland as illustrated with the example of the tourist and recreational offer of the State Forest Holding – State Forests (SF)
- Oskar Graszka (Warsaw University of Technology) - Modeling of potential high vegetation
- Damian Czubak (Forest Research Institute) - Forest fire danger in the 2023 fire season
POSTER - Muluken N. Bazezew (Georg-August Universitat Göttingen) - Modeling horizontal distribution of tree crown biomass by terrestrial laser scanning
- Tao Jiang (Georg-August Universitat Göttingen) - Detecting Trees from World-view 3 Satellite Imagery Using Detection Transformers
- Miłosz Tkaczyk (Forest Research Institute) - Bioclimatic variables and their impact on the potential distribution of Brenneria goodwinii in Europe
POSTER - Hamideh Abdali (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Consequences of Implementing Government Projects in Forest Areas in Northern Iran: Application of Systems Dynamics
POSTER - Torana Arya Gasica (IDEAS NCBR) - Preliminary Results of Forest Inventory with Low Cost SLAM LiDAR
POSTER - Jan Kotlarz (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) - Estimation of the Impact of Climate Change on Forestry Economy Using Economic Models
- Małgorzata Białczak (Forest Research Institute) - Light conditions in the forest stands of Białowieża Forest
- Reza Sarli (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Sensitivity Analysis of Different Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices to Detect Drought in Vegetation (Case Study: Wielkopolsko-Pomorska, Western Poland)
- Marta Włodarczyk (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University of Warsaw) - Soricomorphs of lower course Odra River in diet of Tyto alba
POSTER - Krzysztof Mitelsztedt (Forest Research Institute) - How to adapt cities to climate change with urban greening?
Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki | |
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