Ochrona różnorodności biologicznej w systemach certyfikacji FSC i PEFC a prawna ochrona przyrody w Polsce

Protection of biodiversity in FSC and PEFC certification systems vs the legal nature protection in Poland


  • Ewa Referowska-Chodak Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Wydział Leśny, Katedra Ochrony Lasu i Ekologii
    ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02–787 Warszawa
    Fax + 48 22 5938171, e-mail: echodak@wl.sggw.pl


This paper gives an analysis of documents related to the FSC and PEFC certification systems, which are in force in Poland, in the context of international and national nature protection law. The following questions have been considered: the knowledge of this law, the ability to recognise endangered species, their cataloguing and monitoring, the presence of various nature protection forms, the protection of ecological corridors and societal participation in nature protection. The FSC and PEFC certification systems both refer to these subjects on a large scale, but with different precision and restrictiveness. The good functioning of certification systems requires the simultaneous development of scientific research and ecological education throughout society.

DOI 10.2478/v10111-010-0025-y
Source Leśne Prace Badawcze (Forest Research Papers), 2010, Vol. 71 (3): 299–309
Print ISSN 1732-9442
Online ISSN
Type of article
Discussion article
Original title
Ochrona różnorodności biologicznej w systemach certyfikacji FSC i PEFC a prawna ochrona przyrody w Polsce
Publisher Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, Poland
Date September, 2010

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